Ok so you want to be a model. There are mother agents from all over the world listed on this site. Use your location to find the nearest ones, or don’t! Many models have mother agencies that are not even in their home state or country. Once you find one that you would like to submit to, the contact information is all there for you to reach out to the mother agent directly. That’s it!

Questions you may ask them might be “are you taking on any models at this time, do I have to live in your town or city to be signed by you, do you represent talent of all sizes, what do I need to submit?”

Before submitting your digitals, go to my page “How to submit to agencies” to make sure you are doing them in the best way possible to maximize your chances of being signed.

Please understand that these mother agents are very busy. They may not always respond to you. If you have sent your pictures in and haven’t gotten a response, it’s ok to follow up. But in many cases you simply aren’t right for them. It’s not personal. Move on to the next one. Good luck.