A Story: On Valente Fanning, V Management

You do not have to look for long before realising its far-reaching talent pool, eccentric style, and fixed ethic set it apart from the pack. When it comes to mother agencies, V Management’s CEO, Valente Fanning, has done the yards and made a quality run since the agency's conception in 2014.  

Kenya Knight is a mother agent. Currently working remotely from Palm Springs, she is far from static. Today, she discovers and develops talent, dedicating her time to holistically supporting her models. Placing someone in a worldwide agency or maintaining the success of an overseas model is no easy task. But she has done that for a while now. Delving into questions of inclusivity, business management and the relationships she holds with her models, Knight shares an informed perspective and helps her models tell a story through their work. She helps them grow and, put simply, be good at their jobs.

March 21st, 2025

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Nyabang Diang of Bangs Management, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

August 18th, 2024

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Eric Cano of Cano Management, Jersey City, NJ & New York City.

January 15th, 2024

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Monde Gcisa & Francis Nordzo of YAFAN Models, Accra Ghana.

October 8th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Kenya Knight of Nous Management, Los Angeles, California

July 3rd, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Greg Tyshing of GTR Global, Melbourne, Australia

March 18th, 2024

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Erin Wasser-Hrin of EWH Management, Philadelphia, PA.

January 9th, 2024

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Christopher Massardo of Massardo Model Management

June 10th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Cheryl Ann Stephens of AMAX Talent & Creative, Nashville, Tennessee

June 25th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Jahn Hall of Union Management, New York City

June 20th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Jeff & Mary Clarke of Mother Model Management, St. Louis, Missouri.

May 29th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Shemornay Jansson of By Shemornay, London, England.

April 30th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Maurilio Carnino of Matris Opus New York City.

April 17th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Valente Fanning of V Management New York City.

April 3rd, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: Peggi LePage of Peggi LePage Models, mother agent, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

June 12th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Lisa Sauce of Blonde Talent, Indianapolis, Indiana.

May 21st, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Brigette Mitchell of Finesse Models, Adelaide, Australia.

April 24th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: mother agent interview with Becca Mikesell of Blossom Scouting & Development, Oakland, California

April 10th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: Interviewing Gina Narang, owner of A Little Fly aka ALF, mother agent in Mumbai, India.

March 27th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: Canvas Management interview with founder Joao Henrique, mother agent, New York City.

March 20th, 2023

15 MINUTES WITH A MOTHER AGENT: Ginny Edwards Maxwell interview, mother agent, New York City & The Virgin Islands.

Where does V Management fit into the agency world of New York? You do not have to look for long before realising its far-reaching talent pool, eccentric style, and fixed ethic set it apart from the pack. When it comes to mother agencies, V Management’s CEO, Valente Fanning, has done the yards and made a quality run since the agency's conception in 2014.