Mother agent complaints

Model warning!

If you have any problems with any mother agent on or off this list please report them to me. Your confidentiality will be protected. An investigation will be done independently and safely. Mother agents with bad reputations or multiple complaints of questionable activity listed on this site will be removed.

You should never be put in any uncomfortable situation including but not limited to having to be naked or nude in front of your mother agent, any inappropriate physical touch, being taken out to parties to meet with people you are uncomfortable with, being coerced to drink and or do drugs or have to pay any upfront fees to be managed. Most legitimate mother agents do not charge for photos. They do their best to keep expenses low. It is possible to have to pay for quality artists for testing and development if your mother agent is unable to get free testing however in my opinion mother agents should not be charging in house testing or portfolios. If you have any questions that you are unsure of that a manager or mother agent is asking of you please ask. I will be happy to tell you what is appropriate or inappropriate.

Your safety and comfort level as a model is always #1.