Welcome to TheMotherAgents.com, a directory of the hottest and most impactful mother agents & scouts in the fashion industry. Created so aspiring models could easily find legitimate & proven managers or “mother agent-3.png

Now live, mother agent interview with Ellen Wasser-Hrin of EWH Management in Philadephia, Pennsylvania.


The mother agents

Montreal, Canada

Lagos, Nigeria, Africa

Lagos, Nigeria, Africa

Lviv, Ukraine

Lviv, Ukraine

New York, NY USA

New York, NY USA

Adelaide, Australia

Adelaide, Australia

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

St. Louis, Missouri USA

St. Louis, Missouri USA

Charleston, South Carolina USA

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic

Santa Ana/LA, California USA

LA, California / New York, NY USA

Milan, Italy

Lagos, Nigeria Africa

Lagos, Nigeria Africa

Riga, Latvia

Riga, Latvia

New York, NY USA

Denver, Colorado USA

San Jose, Costa Rica

Los Angeles, California USA

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sydney, Australia

New York, NY USA

Mumbai, India

Mumbai, India

Portland, Oregon USA

London, England UK

London, England UK

Philadelphia, PA


Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

New York, NY USA

New York, NY USA

New York, NY USA

New York, NY USA

Belgrade, Serbia

Nashville, Tennessee USA

Nashville, Tennessee USA

Indianapolis, Indiana USA

Indianapolis, Indiana USA

NY, NY/Jersey City, NJ

Nashville, Tennessee USA

Nashville, Tennessee USA

New York, NY/ Virgin Islands

New York, NY/Turin,Italy/Paris,France

Lagos, Nigeria

Baltimore, Maryland USA

Baltimore, Maryland USA

New York, NY

Accru, Ghana Africa

Accru, Ghana Africa


Adelaide, Australia

Bozeman, MT

Oklahoma City, OK

New York, NY/Sydney Australia

Berlin, Germany

Boston, Massachusetts

Salt Lake City, Utah

London, England UK

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Grand Rapids, MI

New York, NY

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